Enozioni ® Digital Atelier

Les Roches

Don’t postpone your future. Discover how “Glion Connect” and “Les Roches Connect” work for you

When our world is changing this quickly, you still can get your higher education underway without delay. So, Glion and Les Roches have developed a unique solution, which will deliver the complete semester 1 Practical Arts curriculum through a blend of learning at home and on your chosen campus.

Don’t postpone your future. Discover how “Glion Connect” and “Les Roches Connect” work for you Read More »

Studying Hospitality the “Phygital” Way with Glion and Les Roches

As of next intake, October 2020, Sommet Education, Leading Hospitality Education Group encompassing the highly reputed education institutions – Glion Institute of Higher Education and Les Roches – will provide new Bachelor students with a “phygital” academic program combining digital experiences with physical ones. This curriculum option is dedicated to international students experiencing travel restrictions in the current context and enables them to start the first semester of their Bachelor remotely.

Studying Hospitality the “Phygital” Way with Glion and Les Roches Read More »

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