Enozioni ® Digital Atelier

Women In Wine: Kristen Dussel (Wine Country Chick)

Continua la serie “Donne del Vino” con le interviste alle più influenti wine blogger e Instagramers del pianeta. Conosciamo Kristen Dussel, una frizzante ragazza di San Francisco che ama trascorrere il tempo libero esplorando la Napa Valley, autrice e fondatrice di Wine Country Chick.

Kristen - Wine Country Chick - Enozioni

(Intervista in Inglese)

“My name is Kristen and I live in San Francisco. I graduated with a degree in Marketing and currently work in the tech industry. I can’t live without wine, yoga, and my camera. I’m passionate about exploring the wine regions near me in California and love sharing my wine adventures, discoveries, and inspirations on a daily basis.”

How did you get into the world of wine?

I first fell in love with wine during my very first trip to Napa, California when I was in college. I loved everything about the vineyards, the various styles of wine, and the passionate wine lovers who lived in the area. To me, wine is more than just the fermented product of grapes. It’s an ongoing science project, a moment in history, a special moment with friends, and much, much more.

What made you start up Instagram account?

I started my Instagram account @winecountrychick and website because I wanted to share my passion for wine through my eyes. I’m still learning something new about wine every day and I want to share my journey with my community. Wine brings people together and I love capturing those moments.

What is the most interesting wine region you have visited?

Tuscany, Italy. Full of interesting wines, amazing people, and incredible beauty. I would love to visit again!

What is the most memorable wine experience you have had so far?

It is hard to choose just one. I would say one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had is visiting CADE winery on Howell Mountain, which is a winery in Napa that produces one of my favorite Cabernet Sauvignons.

What advice do you have for those wanting to get into the wine world?

Don’t be intimidated, it’s never too late to learn. I’ve only just started my wine education journey. Connect with sommeliers, attend a wine tasting seminar, or visit your local wineries. People who are experts in wine typically love sharing their knowledge with others.

Who is inspiring you right now? (Other IG accounts, individuals you work with, etc)

There are so many people that inspire me, but there are two women that stand out to me: @Enozioni is a total boss in the wine world. True elegance, expertise, and beauty captured in every photo and word. My other inspiration is @allisonuncorked, who also happens to be my co-worker. We love sharing our passion in wine together and she always inspires me to want to learn more.

And the favourite wine style you love the most?

Since I live in California, I have a bias toward a big, bold Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa.


Wine Country Chick Blog, Instagram

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